Tuesday, September 29, 2015

TT2000 2015 - Build up

TT2000 2015 - Planning

TT2000 time had rolled around again so once the web site came live put my fee in and grabbed the files. Decided to do the North Island one and entered my VFR1200 for the deed. Since then I have changed my bike to a BMW R1200RT which has all the goodies on it. Been taking it out for some practice rides and have clocked up 4,000kms in the first 3 weeks of its short life.

Downloaded the North island files for Mapsource and used them in Basecamp. There was only one mystery location at that point but man did it look familiar. Did a bit of searching and remembered I had already visited the bridge on the Gentle Annie. Didn’t take much to get the GPS co-ords and enter them into Basecamp.

Started out planning the route and wanted to finish the first day in Taihape. The stops I planned was based on the VFR1200’s small 18.5l 300km tank range but managed to get the route done and a reasonable distance on the Friday getting to my stop at about 10pm. Booked the motel and got a reasonable price.

Next I booked the Bluebridge ferry so that I could sleep from midnight until arriving at Picton. The plan for Saturday was then done backwards from there. Decided I could be in Wellington around 7pm comfortably by starting at 6am from Taihape. Again fuel stops dictated by the VFR.

Sunday was easy. Nice ride down the coast to pick up the inland route and then to Christchurch picking off the checkpoints along the way. One fuel stop along the way.

At this point the second mystery checkpoint was out and I spent ages trying to find out where it was by the details on the photo. It had me stumped until I reminded myself that some of the route was in the South island. Didn’t take long to find it then and used Google maps satellite view to confirm the coordinates and plugged it into Basecamp.

Final check on the total points found that I had heaps but was a bit short on kms. It was 2015kms on Basecamp. Might have to circle the block a few times just before I finish. Then I decided I needed a proper touring bike and along came the BMW with its 25l tank and good 500km range. Redid all the fuel stops and cut about 4 of them out.

Now the trip home was going to be a pain as I had to be back at work Monday morning at 4:42am. Decided that no hanging around on Sunday after finishing I could catch the return ferry at 6:40pm and be home at about 1am Monday morning. Booked the return ferry trip so I wouldn’t miss out.

Now sit back and wait until February....

Just Starting out


Just setting up a blog site for myself. I love cruising on my BMW R1200RT around New Zealand and a small ride for me is at least 400kms. Have got several big rides coming up including the NI1600 which is on in two weeks time, the 1KC ride starting in Hamilton and of course the TT2000 in February 2016.
Hopefully will post about these as I go along.